Your Kalamazoo Mobile Vet Shares How Having a Pet Can Make Quarantine Easier

For some people, being at home a lot more often has been made easier because they get to spend more time with their pet(s). This can especially be true for people who live alone or are home alone during the day. In this post, your Kalamazoo mobile vet will look at four of the advantages of having a pet with you while you spend most of your time at home.
Reduced anxiety and stress
There is no doubt that part of the reason why this year has been so hard on so many people is that there is so much uncertainty – causing increased stress and anxiety. It’s been known for a long time that pets can help to provide stress and anxiety relief by helping combat bad thoughts and feelings. In fact, studies have shows that people with pets typically experience less depression and anxiety after experiencing trauma!
Increased mood
Not only does having a pet reduce negative feelings – it also increases good feelings in many people. In fact, studies have shown that when a person interacts with their pet, their production of oxytocin (also know as the ‘love hormone’) increases which provides many people positive feelings and emotions.
Less loneliness
Even if you live with other people, our pets are sometimes the only thing that can make one not feel lonely. We know that they love us unconditionally and will be there when we need them.
More laughter
Think of how often your pet makes you laugh. When we love our pets, there is a lot that they do that puts a smile on our face. And, everyone knows, laughter is the best medicine!
If you have questions for Creature Comfort mobile pet vet in Kalamazoo, or would like to schedule an appointment, do not hesitate to contact us today!