3 Mobile Veterinary Services We Offer at Creature Comforts

As a mobile pet vet, we’re often asked about the different services we offer. While we do offer a wide variety of in-home veterinary services, there are certain procedures we don’t offer. For reasons such as sterility of the environment, as an example, we don’t do in-home surgeries that could lead to infection.
That being said, our customers are consistently surprised by the amount of services we can provide for your pets. In this month’s blog post, we’ll be discussing 3 different services we offer and why you should take advantage of them.
Annual Physical Exams
Annual physical exams are one of our most popular choices for the pets we treat. Annual physical exams are one of the best ways to check in on your pet’s health and make sure they’re on track to for a healthy future. The pet owners we work with prefer at-home physical exams because they keep their pet’s anxiety to an absolute minimum, and can even be an enjoyable experience!
By contrast, some pets gets anxiety just from visiting an in-clinic veterinarian. Many pets in the past have had experiences they feel are frightening at the vet, or simply don’t do well with the presence of other animals. As a result, many pets end up feeling anxious and afraid when they inevitably have to get their yearly physical.
If your pet dreads their yearly physical, then know that there are other options. Dr. Mac’s house call vet services can reduce or even fully prevent the anxiety your pet would feel otherwise.
In-Home Vaccinations
In addition to our yearly physicals, Dr. Mac will also make sure your pets are up to date on all their vaccinations, and provide any vaccinations that they need.
Getting your pet vaccinated is critical to your pet’s health and your own peace of mind. Diseases such as rabies, distemper, and parvovirus can all be vaccinated against and would otherwise almost certainly prove lethal your pet is left untreated.
Blood Work and Other Analysis
Not only are we able to draw blood in a calm, stress-reduced way for your pet, but we can also run diagnostic tests right in the home. That way, you get the results back as soon as possible. If blood tests indicate treatment is necessary, we may even be able to provide immediate, on-site care, preventing the need for future visits to the clinic.
Does your furry friend need healthcare but struggle with their trips to the vet? If so, there is a way for you and your pet to have the best of both worlds. Click here to schedule an appointment with us today and get your pets the care they need!